User Guide > Working with objects and properties > Types of objects > Variables and Expressions > Variables Autoplay Menu Designer provides several ways to program complex behavior of your application. One of the available tools here is variables. Variables are named “containers” for certain values – numeric, textual and others. The term “variable” reflects the major feature of such containers – the value they store can change or be changed.
Variables let you control the flow of execution of your application, provide different reaction of the application to user’s actions, check if given conditions are met, modify properties of objects of your application and many more.
All variables can hold values of three types:
There are three kinds of variables in Autoplay Menu Designer:
User variables can be assigned to most objects, but we recommend assign variables to an object lying one level higher in the object hierarchy than the objects it will refer to or manipulate with. For instance, if you want to use a variable to modify or control elements on a page, you should add the object to that page. If a variable is to control the behavior of pages, add it to the parent window and so on.
You can modify values of internal variables to hide or show objects, alter their captions or text, or otherwise use them to program the operational logic of your application.
Variables can save data between runs of your application, can store user input or serve as a trigger for actions. For instance, you can ask a user for password and unlock certain parts of the application only if the correct password is provided. Other examples are loading different media files depending on user’s choice or displaying different pages of the application if different options were selected. You can even use registry variables to set up interaction between applications. |