User Guide > Working with projects and projects files > Publish a project

To publish a project

1.Before you start to publish a project you should Build and Test a project successfully .



2.Click  the Publish and in the Publishing the project dialog select one of the following modes :



Burn to CD / DVD / BD - select it to burn an autorun CD / DVD / BD by using an embedded burning function.
Publish to USB Flash drive - select it if you want to publish your application into the USB Flash disk.
Publish to ISO-Image file - use this mode if you need to create an ISO-image file, which can be written to the CD / DVD / BD  later on another computer by using any burning program.
Publish locally - in this case, the final application will be located in the local folder and you can use it any time later.


3. Click Next.


4. If you use the Burn to CD / DVD / BD or Publish to ISO-Image file mode the setting dialog will appear.


- Select the Writer which you will use.


- Type the Volume name. A volume label is a unique name assigned to a drive, disc, or other media. In Windows, a volume label is not required but it's often useful to give a name to a drive to help identify its use in the future.


Insert a writable media disk into Writer (only for the Burn to CD / DVD / BD mode) and click Burn.


5. Wait while the publish operation is completed and click Close.