User Guide > Working with behaviors > Working with events and actions > The list of actions > Management of a window

Use the "Management of a window" group of an action to manage the active window at runtime.

Action - one of the following values:

Close window - closes the active top-level window and finishes an application.
Move window - use this action to enable dragging of the window at run time.
Minimize window -  minimizes the active top-level window.
Restore window - activates and displays the window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and position.
Minimize/Restore window - restores the active top-level window if a current state of the window is minimized. Otherwise, activates and displays the window.
Show window - activates the active top-level window  and displays it in its current size and position.
Hide window - hides the  the active top-level window .
Show/Hide window - activates the active top-level window  and displays it if a current state of the window is hidden. Otherwise, hides the  window.
Scroll left, Scroll right, Scroll up,  Scroll down -  allows scroll content of the Window/Subwindow object.