User Guide > Working with behaviors > Working with events and actions > The list of actions > Copy a folder

Use the "Copy a folder" action to copy a folder from your disk to a specific folder.


Folder name - the folder path that will be copied.

Use the %ROOT% or %RESOURCES% variable to specify a local folder name inside your disk.


Copy to -  specify where files will be copied to. One of the following:

Select folder from dialog - files will be copied into destination folder which user selected using system dialog. You can set Additional path which will be added to destination folder. (For example, if Destination folder: C:\, Additional path: ADDPATH\FOTO, then final destination folder will be C:\ADDPATH\FOTO).
Specified folder - files will be copied into folder specified in the Target path


Show errors - when this option is enabled and an error occurs an error message box will be displayed.


Include subfolder - enable this option to copy recursively with subdirectories.